Gocious Product Updates

[Live] Interval Roadmap

Our current Plans and Financial Projections roadmaps do a great job of showing the calendar release of plans over a longer period of time. But, what if you wanted to see smaller steps within that timeframe? That's where the new Interval Roadmap becomes helpful.

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[Live] New Navigation Structure

As the Gocious app has continued to evolve, we are now updating the navigation to follow suit. This will make the system - and where you go to accomplish certain tasks -- more clear and easy to understand. It will also serve as a basis from which we can continue to add enhancements for the different sections of our application in the future.

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[Live] Introducing Alert Notifications for Feature Start and End Dates

We are excited to announce a new feature in Gocious that will enhance your planning and project management experience. Our latest update introduces alert notifications for feature start and end dates, ensuring your plans remain accurate and timely. 

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[Live] Gocious Product Update: Introducing the "I" Entity for New Feature Notifications

Responding to customer requests, we have added a new flag for features within a plan - Introduction (I). This is the very first time a feature will be released in the market and can be very useful for marketing efforts as well as financial allocation.

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[Live] Introducing Collapse and Expand Options for Enhanced Roadmap Navigation

We are excited to introduce a new feature in Gocious that will greatly improve your roadmap navigation experience. Our latest update allows you to collapse and expand categories and sub-categories on your product and financial roadmaps, as well as feature family rows on the feature implementation roadmap. 

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[Live] Custom API Integrations

Enhance Your Workflow with Our New API Integration Feature 

 We are excited to announce the launch of our new API integration feature which will allow you to interact with third-party systems, enabling seamless communication and data exchange.

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[Live] Choice List Attribute Type

Inside Gocious, attributes are used to collect data on things like product specifications and capabilities. Our new "Choice List" attribute now allows you create a dropdown menu for your attribute that the user can choose from. This standardizes the input to make sure everyone is selecting from the same options, and speaking the same language.

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[Live] Additional Filters on the Product, Financial, and Feature Implementation Roadmaps

Our latest feature release focuses on enhancing the customization and visualization of roadmaps, enabling you to streamline your planning and tracking processes. With the addition of these new filters, you can now refine your roadmaps based on specific criteria, and focus on the most relevant and impactful information. 

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[Live] Capability Templates at Gocious:


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[Live] Easier Plan Creation

In our continual effort to make your life easier, you can now create a plan for any product line at any and and have removed the following restrictions:

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[Live] Priority Boards for Capabilities

There may be several different ways you wish to see a board's capabilities - and we are giving you one more. In addition to the stage Kanban board, we are now providing the same view by priorities.

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[Live] Financial Roll-up Calculations

Our team has been hard at work enhancing the financial roadmap so you will be able to see the financial calculations roll-up at each category level.

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[Live] Feature Implementation Roadmaps

When managing complex product programs, it is critical that everyone involved is aligned and knows exactly what features need to be developed, and then integrated with the upcoming product releases.

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[Live] Separate multiple milestones of a major plan with child plans


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[Live] Gocious Unveils Custom Formulas for Financial Projections

Gocious has just launched a new feature that allows users to customize their financial projections. This innovative addition enables users to fine-tune financial metric calculations, directly impacting projections within Gocious' platform. Additionally, users can now selectively exclude less relevant metrics from projections, providing precise focus on key aspects of strategy. Users gain control over shaping their projections, ensuring decisions are data-driven and tailored to their unique needs.

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[Live] Jira Integration

You have shared your challenges in managing capabilities for your products in Gocious, while ensuring that development tasks and issues are well-tracked. Well, we are excited to announce a widely anticipated JIRA integration.

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[Live] The New Settings Section, Global Stages and Statuses

In our effort to constantly improve our app to make it the best tool for product managers, we will be moving and renaming a few things.

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Comments in Plans

A lot can happen within a plan, and now you can discuss it with the team directly on the plan itself.  Communicate with stakeholders, field questions about specific aspects of the plan and keep all conversations in one, easy to find place.

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Roadmap Events [Live]

What are Roadmap Events?

Roadmap events are dates on the calendar that you want the company to be made aware of. These are typically external events that will impact your product plans.

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Release Notes: March 2023

We are providing several updates to the interface this month as we continue to expand the functionality of Capabilities and more.

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[Live] Attribute Grouping

Organize your attributes through grouping

If you deal with a lot of attributes and specifications, it can get cumbersome to look at one giant list. Now, you can create groups for your attributes to present them in a logical manner and more quickly find what you are looking for.

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February Release


Comments to Capabilities

You can now add comments to Capabilities.

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[Live] Roadmap Overview Updated

From the Product and Financial Roadmaps, clicking on a plan name will now bring up the full Plan Overview page. This will allow you to see and edit plan information directly from the panel, including:

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[Live] Adding Priorities to Capabilities

When working with capabilities, it is important to set the overall priority so the teams can determine which capabilities to work on next. Inside Gocious, you can set the priorities via the dropdown.

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[Major Update] Capabilities

A major update is being released into production on 17 November called "Capabilities"

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[Live] Multi Factor Authentication

We have turned on Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for our users.  

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