[Live] Priority Boards for Capabilities

Posted by Kevin Jankay on 10/17/23 10:08 AM
Kevin Jankay
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There may be several different ways you wish to see a board's capabilities - and we are giving you one more. In addition to the stage Kanban board, we are now providing the same view by priorities.


Using the Priority Board View

For those companies that set their priorities by Now, Next, Later, this provides a way to visualize how many capabilities are in each priority. This helps ensure that you are balancing and prioritizing the work most efficiently so your development team knows exactly what they should be working on and the executives can get an idea how the big picture will come together.



Where do I find this?

All of your current capability boards will have this new tab.


How do I edit the Priority Columns?

The priority columns are determined by the Priority Settings page.