[Live] Jira Integration

Posted by Kevin Jankay on 7/25/23 3:16 PM
Kevin Jankay
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You have shared your challenges in managing capabilities for your products in Gocious, while ensuring that development tasks and issues are well-tracked. Well, we are excited to announce a widely anticipated JIRA integration.


Jira integration seamlessly connects Capabilities in Gocious with Tickets in Jira.

Recognizing the need to synch JIRA ticket status inside Gocious, we are thrilled to announce the newest addition to the Gocious platform – Jira integration for Gocious Capabilities.


Key Benefits

  • Streamlined Workflow: With our Jira integration, you can now link your Gocious Capabilities directly to Jira tickets. No more toggling between two platforms!
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Your product and development teams can now be even more closely aligned, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding product/feature improvements.
  • Real-time Tracking: Keep track of capability progress in real-time by watching the linked Jira tickets. Know immediately when a capability is being worked on, tested, or completed.
  • Data Consistency: Minimize the risk of errors or overlooked tasks. With our integration, updates in Gocious will reflect in Jira and vice versa.


How it Works

  • Establish a connection from your Jira into in Gocious
    JIRA Mapping
  • Link existing Gocious Capabilities to Jira tickets.

  • Once linked, updates made in Jira -- such as status changes or changes to description -- will be mirrored in Gocious, ensuring all stakeholders are always informed.


Topics: Just Released